30 Mar

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our Deputy MusicalDirector and Accompanist, Kevin Whitley.Kevin was the choir’s accompanist for 28 years and during his long service to the choir,made many friends. His dedication and musical skill played an important role in thesuccesses the choir has enjoyed during his time. Latterly, he was appointed DeputyMusical Director, stepping up when required to lead the choir, sometimes at shortnotice. As always, Kevin performed this with professionalism and integrity. His goodhumour and friendly nature made him a popular member of the choir.The choir would like to extend its deepest condolences to Kevin’s family and friends atthis di􀆯icult time. He will be sorely missed by the members of the choir, many of whomwere members when Kevin joined all those years ago. He is, and will always be,remembered with the utmost respect and fondness.Gyda thristwch mawr y cyhoeddwn farwolaeth ein Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Cerdd aChyfeilydd, Kevin Whitley.Bu Kevin yn gyfeilydd i’r côr am 28 mlynedd ac yn ystod ei wasanaeth hir i’r côr, enilloddlawer o 􀆯rindiau. Chwaraeodd ei ymroddiad a’i sgil gerddorol ran bwysig yn yllwyddiannau y mae’r côr wedi’u mwynhau yn ystod ei gyfnod. Yn ddiweddarach, fe’ipenodwyd yn Ddirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Cerdd, gan gamu i’r adwy pan oedd angen i arwainy côr, weithiau ar fyr rybudd. Fel bob amser, per􀆯ormiodd Kevin hyn gydaphro􀆯esiynoldeb ac uniondeb. Roedd ei hiwmor da a’i natur gyfeillgar yn ei wneud ynaelod poblogaidd o’r côr.Ho􀆯ai’r côr estyn ei gydymdeimlad dwysaf i deulu a 􀆯rindiau Kevin yn ystod y cyfnodanodd hwn. Bydd colled fawr ar ei ôl gan aelodau’r côr, nifer ohonynt yn aelodau panymunodd Kevin yr holl flynyddoedd hynny’n ôl. Mae, a bydd bob amser, yn cael ei gofiogyda'r parch a'r ho􀆯ter mwyaf.

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